Ring of power CREATING

A 10-Month Group Coaching Program for Spirited, Daring and Soulful Men

RING OF POWER CREATING is a private, group coaching experience for men where we leverage the power of 1-1 coaching and group dynamics. Our ten month journey is for just ten men, requires a minimum commitment of sixty hours and a $10,000 investment. (Next Group Starting March 2024!)


The purpose of our sacred partnership is to unlock your power to create your best life – the perfect, full, ever unfolding expression of who you really are.
Our work together is about dissolving limitations and creating through the freedom perspective. No matter what you are going through, or where you are headed, the freedom perspective provides the context for you to generate everything you want in life, from spiritual insight to tangible, material results. 
Through our work together you will find new depths of freedom, joy, love and power that will transform you, your world and those around you. 


There are no formal teachings. In fact, most of what you will learn will be in the form of unlearning. We have all been programmed to live within an agreed upon reality of mounting limitations of one kind or another. You feel these restrictions. We question them and reveal their lack of power over you. 

You will explore the fundamental source of your experience, and uncover your power to generate all that you desire.


While there are not formal teachings, I will share with you the specific practices that I personally use to create myself, my health, my business, my body, my relationships, and my life. These practices, when applied consistently, will produce deep change, transformation and unlimited freedom. 


In Ring of Power Creating I am your coach and guide. I will personally coach you to develop the freedom perspective and close the gap between your present life and the life you truly desire. I will assist you in discovering your own insight, wholeness and power. You will find that the life you desire is available now. This will become evident as you engage deeply with me and the other men in the group. 


During the Ring of Power Creating you will work to…
  • Expand awareness.
  • Access and express more of your gifts.
  • Deepen and expand your presence.
  • Forge powerful alliances.
  • Build supreme health and vitality. 
  • Transcend your present limitations.
  • Discover new territories and possibilities in yourself.
  • Embrace paradox and not-knowing.
  • Shift into oneness and non-dual seeing.
  • Make a difference doing what you love.
  • Shift perspectives fluidly between the personal and the impersonal.
  • Influence and impact others through your power, presence and being. 
  • Experience everything you really want. 


This program is for courageous and curious men who will not be bound. 
You have a sense of urgency, that life is passing you by all too quickly now.  
You are the trailblazers and mavericks, the explorers and the freedom lovers.
You may be a professional, business owner, healer, artist, musician, entrepreneur, or a man looking for his next big move.
You value love, connection, contribution, adventure, peace, joy, vitality, bigger results and material prosperity. 
You are someone who is curious, open and ready to be vulnerable. 
You are ready to go where you have never gone before, and to see what you have not seen before.
You are ready to connect with other men, and assist each other in achieving everything you desire.


Three, 90-minute Ring of Power Creating Sessions with Dr. M every month for 10 months. (45 hours)
One, minute Ring of Power Peer support session received from another member each month. (7.5 hours)
One, Ring of Power Peer support session provided to another member each month. (7.5 hours)
Daily, 1 hour Freedom Perspective daily self-cultivation time on your own. (300 hours is suggested, but you may do more or less.)


During each Ring of Power Creating Coaching session, I will coach two men while the others observe and listen deeply. There will be time for group discussion at the beginning and end of each session to generate group cohesion, support and actionable insights. Each coaching session will provide just as much or more insight for those observing as for those being coached. 


Each month you will be paired with one of your brothers in the group to receive support, and another brother to give support. There are no specific rules here, simply provide support in the way that seems most natural for you. And if on the receiving end, ask for what you want and how the other might best support you. These peer to peer sessions increase our sense of community, family and brotherhood, forging deeper bonds that often last long after the Ring of Power has completed. 


In addition to our regular coaching and peer coaching sessions, you be enrolled in a virtual online community created just for your Ring of Power Creating group. This private virtual workspace is where all of our between sessions communications will occur, including real-time group chats, access to important documents and files, recorded sessions, practices, private messages, schedules, automatic check-ins, and where you can receive additional support and coaching from me. 


You can expect that if you participate fully in this program, you will be transformed in ways that will expose more of your power to create and experience anything you truly desire. 


If you feel clearly called to work with me and/or to join the Ring of Power, the next step is to set up a time for us to have a conversation. There is no charge for this conversation; however, I do require that you are sincerely interested in making a commitment to transformation – personal, professional, and relational – and are ready to make a priceless investment in yourself.
During our conversation I will ask you some questions, and also answer any questions you may have. My promise to you is to create value for you during our time together.
Space is limited to just ten men, and all seats in the Ring of Power Creating are on a first come and first served basis. 


Schedule a complimentary call or email Dr. M to begin the conversation.
Today is always the best day to create your freedom.

Mr. Wonka: “Don’t forget what happened to the man who suddenly got everything he wanted.”
Charlie Bucket: “What happened?”
Mr. Wonka: “He lived happily ever after.”
Roald Dahl, “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”
I refer to Dr. Mendribil as my “shaman”. He is my physical and mental “fixer”. I have been working with Dr. Mike for 10+ years now, and go to him 3-4 times a year for a wide of reasons. He has helped me with both mental and physical needs. I will provide two salient examples. First, I had been having severe nerve pain in my neck and running down my arm. This was going on for a few months, then would stop, then come back. On and off for 1-2 years. I went to a leading NYC spinal surgeon and subsequently had two spinal shots. Those are serious, they put you out, etc. The pain did not go away. I was scheduled to go in for a third spinal shot. Before doing so, I went to Dr. Mendribil. He worked his magic and within a day, the pain was gone. It has not come back. I then asked the spinal surgeon how this was possible. He shrugged his shoulders and said “there are just some things we do not explain”. The second example. I first went to Dr. Mike because I was constantly getting sick 4-5 times a year. It was debilitating, I felt like I was constantly sick, colds, flus, aches, etc. I went to Dr. Mike, he did a series of diagnostics, and then set me on a 30-day cleanse diet. This was 2017. Since then, I have only missed one day of work. In seven years. I have basically been healthy since. I visit with Dr. Mike 3-4 times per year now. I go for a general check-in, where we discuss my body, what feels good and bad, and what tweaks we can make. We also discuss my diet, overall health, and he provides suggestions. Finally, I text with Dr. Mike on and off through the years, asking him random questions about different vitamin supplements, new medicines, and the like. He is consistently helpful. Over time, I have probably recommended 20+ friends to Dr. Mike. I love working with him and believe my friends and family do as well.
David Berdon
Finance Professional
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